
Three Nails in your MLM Coffin- Part Two

In part one of this article we looked at the first thing one need to do before deciding on a multilevel marketing business. In this blog we will look at the second thing one must do in order to have a successful home business. The other day I was talking to a fellow network marketer who was complaining about the fact that every where he looked for help, he had to spend more money purchase another program or service. I had to remind him of what a person who wants to succeed in business must do and that is "You must educate yourself" thoroughly in the venture you choose to do. If one does not educate himself this will eventually become the second nail in your MLM business.Step #2 Invest in YourselfI would like to introduce to a quote from ancient Hebrew proverbs. Here it is "Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crownof glory shall she deliver to thee." It certainly boggles the mind when here MLM marketers complaining about the fact that they had to buy this program and buy that program or go to this seminar. The fact of the matter is that you are not all knowing so it behooves you to get knowledge from those who knows. If they have become valuable to you, why should they give you all their knowledge for free. Value is value and value carries a priceA parent, who would like to send their child to a 2 Years Community College or 2 Years Private College will spend over $60,000.00. A student in medical school will spend as much as $35,000 per year for several years in order to gain the knowledge to be a doctor. Why, because they needed the knowledge to become an effective and successful professional. This same strategy is needed if you want to be a successful MLM marketer. You must invest in yourself and in your continued education. You must learn the secrets of those who are making five and six figure monthly income for this is also your goal. Modeling what others are doing will give you the very same results that they are getting Nail Sticker If you should sit and talk with any of the online multilevel marketing superstars like Mike Dillard, Brian Finale or Tim Sales, they tell that they spend thousands of dollars in order to get the type of educations they needed to be a success. How else could one succeed, if they don't first get educated? Failure in this only means failure in your business. These success superstars, because of their wisdom, are not only making money, but have become valuable asset to the multileve marketing industry. The same will be said for any multilevel marketer who is wise enough to follow in the footsteps of these superstars and invest in their education. As a network marketer, marketing on the internet will pose a big challenge to you. You will be like a small island in a really big ocean. You will need to learn how to build bridges to your little island. The knowledge is out there, seek it with diligence. If not you will be like a cherry tree in a large forest of pine trees no one will find you. You will also need to learn how to use search engines, email marketing, social networking and many other tools that will help you be a success. You will also need to learn how to use attraction marketing to help you get the right people to assist you. Learning how to use video and article marketing as part of you tools to build bridges to your web site must become part of your education. I cannot stress this any stronger if you do not invest in your own education, the change for your business to succeed is very slim. After you have evaluate the multilevel marketing company you have chosen, your next step is to learn all you can to make your business successful. This discussion will continue with Part 3 of this article. To learn more on ensuring your success in your home business of choice. Please visit my website at leadsupplypro.com. Motorcycle Goggles I have lots of free training that will help you in your quest for 5 and 6 figure monthly incomes. Come and join its free.

